O. Perrotin, C. d'Alessandro Target Acquisition vs. Expressive Motion: Dynamic Pitch Warping for Intonation Correction ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interactions, accepted
L. Feugere, C. d’Alessandro Gestural control of voice synthesis: the Cantor Digitalis and Digitartic instruments (web) Traitement du signal, 32(4), 417-442, 2015. DOI:10.3166/TS.32.417-442
(see extended abstract)
C. d’Alessandro, L. Feugère, S. Le Beux, O. Perrotin, A. Rilliard Drawing melodies: evaluation of chironomic singing synthesis (web) J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135 (6), 3601-3612 (2014)
International conferences with proceedings
L. Ardaillon, G. Degottex, A. Roebel A multi-layer F0 model for singing voice synthesis using a B-spline representation with intuitive controls (.pdf) Proceedings of Interspeech, Dresden, Germany, September 6-10, 2015.
S. Huber, A. Roebel On glottal source shape parameter transformation using a novel deterministic and stochastic speech analysis and synthesis system (.pdf) Proceedings of Interspeech, Dresden, Germany, September 6-10, 2015.
M. Evrard, S. Delalez, A. Rilliard, C. d’Alessandro Comparison of chironomic stylization versus statistical modeling of prosody for expressive speech synthesis (.pdf) Proceedings of Interspeech, Dresden, Germany, September 6-10, 2015.
S. Huber, A. Roebel Voice quality transformation using an extended source-filter speech model (.pdf) Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference, Ireland, July 26-August 1, 2015.
O. Perrotin, C. d'Alessandro Quel ajustement de hauteur mélodique pour les instruments de musique numériques ? (.pdf) Journées d'Informatique Musicale (JIM15), Faculté de Musique, Université de Montreal, QC, Canada, May 7-9, 2015.
O. Perrotin, C. d'Alessandro Visualizing Gestures in the Control of a Digital Musical Instrument (.pdf) 14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Int. Conf. New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2014), London, June 30-July 4, 2014.
L. Feugère, C. d'Alessandro Rule-based performative synthesis of sung syllables (.pdf) 14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Int. Conf. New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2014), London.
Invited talks
C. d'Alessandro Glossolalies Electroniques (Cute 2014) Cute 2014, masterclass series on Culture and Technology, March 12-15, 2014
L. Ardaillon Synthèse concaténative de la voix chantée (posterv2.pdf) JJCAAS 2014, July 2-4, 2014
Cantor Digitalis, instrument of singing voice synthesis gesturally controlled, is an open-source (CeCILL licence) sofware and can be downloaded at http://cantordigitalis.limsi.fr